Sonntag, 25. September 2016

Achtung - Reiki Meister-Lehrer Seminar am 6.5.2017

Ihr Lieben,
nutzt jetzt die Gelegenheit, schon am kommenden REIKI Meister+Lehrer Seminar dabei zu sein! 

Am Samstag, den 6. Mai 2017 ist es so weit! 

Freut Euch auf Eure energetische - Veredelung!
Wir haben es Euch anreisemäßig vereinfacht, denn wir legten beide Seminare zusammen auf einen Tag! Es wird eine Intensivschulung sein - von 10 Uhr bis ca. 21 Uhr.

Natürlich gibt es Pausen und wir verwöhnen Euch mit Häppchen, Leckereien, einem reichhaltigen BIO-Mittagessen - Kuchenbuffet, lasst Euch einfach überraschen! 
Bringt Zeit mit, denn es ist Euer unvergessener Meister-Tag.

Zusammengefasst: REIKI Meister und Lehrer - Der göttliche Geist wirkt bei der Heilung mit REIKI durch Dein mit „Liebe für die Welt“ erfülltes Herz! Durch die Einweihung zum Meister und die Arbeit mit der sehr hoch schwingenden Meister-Energie eröffnen sich für Euch ganz neue Horizonte. Die göttliche Alchemie läßt Eure Individualität erstrahlen wie der Wandel von Blei zu Gold. Was Eure Heilbefähigung betrifft, werdet Ihr an höchste Dimensionen angeschlossen. Euer Bewußtsein richtet sich auf das Einswerden mit dieser göttlichen Kraft, die Euch jetzt spürbar innewohnt. Die REIKI Lehrer-Schulung unserer Gesamtausbildung befähigt Euch von nun an selbst zu lehren und Energie-Einweihungen vorzunehmen. Ein Ausnahme-Heiler zu sein bedeutet, seine Klienten selbst lehren zu können. 

Es gibt auf der Welt schon 60 Millionen REIKI praktizierende. Wir sind aufgerufen, die Zahl zu multiplizieren. Schließlich gibt es 7 Millionen Menschen auf der Erde, die nun erwachen dürfen. REIKI ist Eure Glocke - ein energetisches ding - dong - unüberhörbar! Wir haben beide Seminare auch deshalb zusammengelegt, da wir der Meinung sind, wenn wir uns Meister nennen wollen, dann müssen wir auch Lehrer sein! Es heißt ja auch: Der Wissende muß dem Unwissenden Lehrer sein! Ihr werdet im Dienst an Eurem Nächsten eine tiefe Erfüllung erfahren, weil Ihr erkennt, wie sehr der Unwissende Euch braucht! Voraussetzung an Eurer Teilnahme ist: REIKI 1. Grad und REIKI 2. Grad, weil die sehr starke Kraftanbindung bei der Meister/Lehrereinweihung ein durchlässiges Fundament benötigt. 

Schüler anderer Schulen, die noch nicht in der vollen REIKI - Energie stehen oder vom Reiki Weg abkamen, weil ihnen die Sicherheit fehlt, raten wir zur Nacheinweihung durch uns. Einfach am Seminar teilnehmen! 

Die starke Energieanhebung, wie sie sich durch uns praktizierende Heiler - im Unterschied zu Lehrern, welche nur die Theorie vermitteln - erfüllt, wird Euch bewußt machen, daß Ihr von unserem Erfahrungsfundament von tausenden ausgebildeten REIKI Schülern energetisch in höchstem Maße profitieren werdet. Schließlich vollbringen wir sichtbare und beweisbare Wunder! Über 100.000 zum Teil arztdokumentierte Heilabläufe haben sich schon an unseren Heiltagen erfüllt. Das spricht für sich! Deshalb gelten wir als das erfolgreichste Heilzentrum Europas. Du sollst auch ein Ausnahme-Heiler werden! 
Wir freuen uns auf Dich!

Studien aus Italien zeigen höchste Energien bei unserer Heilarbeit!

Seminarpreis inkl. Unterrichtsmaterial, Getränke, Mittagessenbuffet, Kuchen uvm. 1490,- €

Es ist Euer Tag und er soll unvergessen sein!

Laßt Euch nach Strich und Faden mit geistiger und körperlicher Nahrung von uns verwöhnen!

Wir freuen uns auf Euch...
Eure Anne und Tanja

Anmeldung:, Info:
Tel.: 06724-3699

Dienstag, 13. September 2016

We are coming to Puttaparthi and Delhi in November 2016!

Healing days in Puttaparthi 

are at 20th and 21th November 2016 
in Sri Sai Sadan - Medas Guesthouse, Gopuram Road!

and Healing days in Delhi at 26th, 27th and 28th November 2016!


Today’s most common diseases are:
Backage, lumbago, not straight neck, tenseness of the muscles etc.
According to my experience the cause is the so-called „shifted pelvis“!
The shift in the illiosakral joint may cause the following disorders:

Orthopaedic information on the „shifted pelvis“:

  • Different length of the legs,
  • curved spine backage
  • tense muscles in the back
  • lumbago, sciatica, cervical,
  • dorsal and lumbar vertebral 
  • syndrome, prolapsed
  • intervertebral disc 
  • lordosis, slipped 
  • vertebras, pain at 
  • the groin; arthritis 
  • of the knees and 
  • pelvis, degeneration 
  • of the bones,
  • osteoporosis, gouty 
  • hands, disturbance of 
  • the blood supply, impaired
  • vision, tinnitus, headache, 
  • debility of the cardiac muscle,
  • concentration problems,
  • disturbance in sensitivity
  • renal congestion,
  • spastic problems, 
  • muscular atrophy,
  • high blood pressure,
  • circulation problems, 
  • disturbance of cardiac 
  • rhythm thrombosis,
  • immunodeficiency,
  • nervous disorders,
  • vertigo, impotence, 
  • skin diseases, 
  • dysfunction
  • of the pituitary gland
  • bad position of the teeth, 
  • congestion of the lymph,
  • infertility etc. 

Let us help you!

The sooner the correction is made the better is the chance to avoid diseases later on. For that reason we are straighten embryos in the womb, children from their first week of life and adults until their old age. IMPORTANT! The straightening of the spine has been confirmed by medical doctors, non-medical practitioners and chiropractors. If they feel called to practise mental healing we can teach them into this healing art any time. Our greatest desire is to straighten people all over the world. 
To raise your consciousness, we would like to give you the following information: up to now, divine healing is still only known by few. A lot of human beings are still reducing their healing progress to healing their bodies, which means healing the symptoms, not the cause of the diseases. This way of thinking probably results from the fact that mental and spiritual healing has been looked at as charlatanism throughout the centuries. Even though Jesus already knew and taught his disciples how to heal with divine love. Spiritual healing is no treatment in the common medical sense, it is much more a divine and religious process in the sense of being reunited with God. This is not at all a miracle, it does not break natural laws, much more does it happen in perfect accordance with the laws of nature. By releasing negative and limiting thoughts and programs which result in disharmony, diseases and blocked energy in body and soul, healing process can take place even without therapeutical intervention in all areas. Love is the power making the impossible possible. 
We help with it! 

Spiritual Spinehealing

„The Original“ from Germany

Visible and provable spiritual healing after the spiritual masters and teachers of spiritual healing
Anne Hübner and Tanja Aeckersberg

Spiritual spinal column straightening
is done without any touch contact, solely through the power of the divine spirit. The change is visible on the physical level and can be felt by each person through a liberating feeling of relief.

Let us help you! Here is the proof!

All-embracing healing process for body and soul for complaints of every kind achieved through spiritual straightening of the spinal column with correction of scoliotic pelvis and leg length equalisation. Freeing up blockages and patterns restore the divine order in human beings.

Anne Hübner and Tanja Aeckersberg are two of the most important spiritual healers of the new age. In Europe there work is very famous, many people come to their healingschool from all over the world, searching for help. 


for Questions please write: Tanja

for Questions about our work in Delhi please contact Pankaj Agarwal:

We are coming back to Puttaparthi!

Healing days in Puttaparthi 

are at 20th and 21th November 2016 
in Sri Sai Sadan - Medas Guesthouse, Gopuram Road!


Today’s most common diseases are:
Backage, lumbago, not straight neck, tenseness of the muscles etc.
According to my experience the cause is the so-called „shifted pelvis“!
The shift in the illiosakral joint may cause the following disorders:

Orthopaedic information on the „shifted pelvis“:

  • Different length of the legs,
  • curved spine backage
  • tense muscles in the back
  • lumbago, sciatica, cervical,
  • dorsal and lumbar vertebral 
  • syndrome, prolapsed
  • intervertebral disc 
  • lordosis, slipped 
  • vertebras, pain at 
  • the groin; arthritis 
  • of the knees and 
  • pelvis, degeneration 
  • of the bones,
  • osteoporosis, gouty 
  • hands, disturbance of 
  • the blood supply, impaired
  • vision, tinnitus, headache, 
  • debility of the cardiac muscle,
  • concentration problems,
  • disturbance in sensitivity
  • renal congestion,
  • spastic problems, 
  • muscular atrophy,
  • high blood pressure,
  • circulation problems, 
  • disturbance of cardiac 
  • rhythm thrombosis,
  • immunodeficiency,
  • nervous disorders,
  • vertigo, impotence, 
  • skin diseases, 
  • dysfunction
  • of the pituitary gland
  • bad position of the teeth, 
  • congestion of the lymph,
  • infertility etc. 

Let us help you!
The sooner the correction is made the better is the chance to avoid diseases later on. For that reason we are straighten embryos in the womb, children from their first week of life and adults until their old age. IMPORTANT! The straightening of the spine has been confirmed by medical doctors, non-medical practitioners and chiropractors. If they feel called to practise mental healing we can teach them into this healing art any time. Our greatest desire is to straighten people all over the world. To raise your consciousness, I would like to give you the following information: up to now, divine healing is still only known by few. A lot of human beings are still reducing their healing progress to healing their bodies, which means healing the symptoms, not the cause of the diseases. This way of thinking probably results from the fact that mental and spiritual healing has been looked at as charlatanism throughout the centuries. Even though Jesus already knew and taught his disciples how to heal with divine love. Spiritual healing is no treatment in the common medical sense, it is much more a divine and religious process in the sense of being reunited with God. This is not at all a miracle, it does not break natural laws, much more does it happen in perfect accordance with the laws of nature. By releasing negative and limiting thoughts and programs which result in disharmony, diseases and blocked energy in body and soul, healing process can take place even without therapeutical intervention in all areas. Love is the power making the impossible possible. We help with it! 

Spiritual Spinehealing
„The Original“ from Germany

Visible and provable spiritual healing after the spiritual masters and teachers of spiritual healing
Anne Hübner and Tanja Aeckersberg

Spiritual spinal column straightening
is done without any touch contact, solely through the power of the divine spirit. The change is visible on the physical level and can be felt by each person through a liberating feeling of relief.

Let us help you! Here is the proof!

All-embracing healing process for body and soul for complaints of every kind achieved through spiritual straightening of the spinal column with correction of scoliotic pelvis and leg length equalisation. Freeing up blockages and patterns restore the divine order in human beings.

Anne Hübner and Tanja Aeckersberg are two of the most important spiritual healers of the new age. In Europe there work is very famous, many people come to their healingschool from all over the world, searching for help. 


Center for Spiritual Healing 
YouTube: Healingschool Anne+Tanja 